Getaways – Part 5 of 6

Getaways – What Fuels our Passion for Making Connections – Part 5 of 6
by David Revelle, Shepherd’s Fortress Ministries, Associate Director - PastorCare
In Genesis 32:22-32 we read of how Jacob was alone with God and a spiritual wrestling match began for the purpose of molding and shaping Jacob’s life. During this encounter, the socket of Jacob’s hip was put out of joint.
In verse 26, Jacob says, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” In other words, I don’t want to go through this affliction, this valley of learning and remain the same person when I come out on the other side. The “Man” asks, “What is your name?” He replies, “Jacob” (which is translated, “deceiver”). God gave Jacob a new name, Israel, some translate “prince with God.” Jacob surrendered his stubborn will, and the Lord prevailed in his life. As a result, he took on a new identity just as one does when surrendering fully to Jesus.
Jacob walked away with a continual limp reminding him of his encounter with God and the transformation that took place.
Adrian Rogers once said, “Men throw broken things away, but it seems God never uses anything until He first breaks it.”
This is my 30th year of pastoral ministry. My wife and I have encountered and endured many things over the years. Some things were the enemy, yet I believe God allows challenges in our lives for a purpose. Everything that Jesus does and allows in our lives helps us grow into His image more and more.
We have scars, perhaps even a limp, yet I am thankful for every reminder of God’s faithfulness as He uses our challenges to equip us to minister to others more effectively.
I urge you to get alone with God. Connecting pastors with a place set apart for this purpose fuels our passion to minister to His servants whenever they come to us for a helping hand.
It would be our pleasure to serve you! Feel free to connect with PastorCare, and we will send you a link to an
online form where you can offer some information to us regarding your desired getaway that will help us in providing a list of possibilities for you to consider.
Pastors, thank you for the many sacrifices that you make to love and lead the Church!