West Michigan Newsletter - Jan 2018

Do you ever feel powerless? Are there temptations in your life that perpetually get the best of you? Do you struggle with a dark side that no one really knows about? Are there issues in your life that you would never dare to share with anyone at church?
I thank God for my friend Chris McKenna. I am so proud of him for being willing to share his story in this Newsletter in such a transparent and vulnerable way. I believe God will use his story to touch the hearts of many people in His church who share a similar struggle.
Chris bears witness and gives testimony to the power of God at work in His life to supply the power and strength required to overcome and gain the victory he desired. God turned Chris’ greatest misery into his ministry.
If you resonate with Chris’ story, I pray that you will share your story with someone safe and confidential. Bring your struggle into the light, and trust the Holy Spirit to move with power in your life as well.
God loves you and He is for you!
To read the January 2018 Newsletter issue, visit our document archives, or click here.
If you need someone to help you with your struggle in a safe and confidential atmosphere, contact PastorCare. We're here to help.