Pastor Care West Michigan Newsletter - May/June 2017

In this issue of the newsletter, it will be my privilege to introduce you to my friend, Kevin DeVries, Founder of Grace Explorations. Kevin is passionate about ministering to men and cultivating what men are truly thirsting for — authentic relationships. As you read Kevin’s story, I encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and spirit.
Please join me in this prayer from LIVING THE BATTLE PLAN — A YEAR of DAILY GUIDANCE for PRAYER. It was inspired by the feature film WAR ROOM.
Pray for God’s protection around your pastor’s heart, his marriage, and his home. That he would unapologetically fulfill his ministry. That he would fear God more than men. That the Holy Spirit would draw many to the gospel through his efforts.
To read the May/June 2017 Newsletter issue, visit our document archives, or click here.