Pastor Care West Michigan Newsletter - July 2016

It brings me great joy to devote the PastorCare West Michigan July 2016 Newsletter to honoring Dr. John and Loice Mondi at African Community Fellowship Christian Reformed Church.
Dr. John Mondi was born and raised in the Pokot Tribe in Northwestern Kenya. On May 20, 2016 Pastor Mondi received his PhD in missiology from Concordia Theological Seminary. I invited him to share his amazing story with you in this issue of the PastorCare West Michigan Newsletter.
The next issue of this Newsletter will feature members of the congregation of African Community Fellowship sharing from their hearts about their church, their pastor, and their love for Jesus.
My hope and prayer is for the Holy Spirit to use this Newsletter to encourage you to find creative ways to honor and bless the pastors and families you know and love.
To read the July 2016 Newsletter issue, visit our document archives, or click here.