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Recommended Reading

We hope you enjoy these titles recommended by our Directors and/or Partners

Please note that cover images shown are copyrighted works which belong to their respective owners. PastorCare makes no claim to these copyrighted images and presents them for reference only.

The Cure: What If God Isn’t Who You Think He Is And Neither Are You

Authors: John Lynch, Bruce McNichol, Bill Thrall - CrossSection Publishing - Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBook, Kindle

Recommended by:  Allen Tyndall

Dangerous Calling

Author: Paul David Tripp - Crossway Publishing - iBook, Lifeway

Recommended by:  Allen Tyndall

The Divine Mentor

Author: Wayne Cordeiro. Bethany House Publishers. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 2007.

How to have a dynamic, intimate relationship with God as your mentor and how to pass this on to others.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis

The Sacred Annointing

Author: Tony Sargent. Crossway Books. Wheaton, IL. 1994.

The Preaching of Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones and the anointing that was on his life and ministry.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis

Abandoned to God

Author: David McCasland. Discovery House Publishers,Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1993.

The life story of Iswald Chambers: the Author of "My Utmost for His Highest." A landmark biography about one of the greatest men of God of all time.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis

The Pastor

Author: Eugene H. Peterson. Harper and Row. New York City. 2011.

The life and ministry of Eugene Peterson, the writer/translator of The Message Bible. This is one of my favorite books of all time. For any of God's ministering servants, concerned about their calling and fulfilling that calling.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis

Kingdom Triangle

Author: J.P. Moreland. Zondervan publishers. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 2007.

The Faith journey of J.P.Moreland, one of the leading Biblical scholars in the Evangelical Church with emphasis on "Recovering the Christian Mind, Renovating the Soul, Restoring Spirit's Power." A must read for those seeking more of God.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis

The Power of Encouragement

Author: Dr David Jeremiah. Sisters, Oregon. Multnomah Publishers.1997.

About Encouragement, the greatest power of healing known to man. This "handbook on encouragement" should be on every minister's desk. For every ministering servant who needs encouragement, including instructions on how to encourage yourself.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis

Support Your Local Pastor

Author: Wes Roberts. NAV Press. Colorado Springs. 1995.

A book for the lay leaders and encouragement on how to keep their pastor and family healthy. Every lay leader should have it.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis

Radical Well-Being

Author: Dr. Rita Hancock M.D. Lake Mary, Florida. Siloam Publishers. 2013.

The most powerful book I have ever read on experiencing the wholeness God intended for us in body, mind, soul and spirit.


Recommended by:  Jim Bevis


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PastorCare never charges a fee for services. It is a purely faith-based, non-profit 501©3 ministry. PastorCare is supported by donations, gifts and a volunteer network of caregivers and service providers. Retired pastors, missionaries and volunteer lay-persons encourage and assist pastors and their families who contact PastorCare. Our goal is to meet the need and revitalize God’s ministering servants to continue the call to serve.

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The (2014) PCN website was dedicated to the memory of Rev. G. David Korsen, who gave of his expertise, time and passion to create the first PCN website. He served as Communications Director from March of 2009 until his graduation from this life on April 23, 2013. Dave’s caring heart and infectious laugh were the entry to the deep well of God’s grace that flowed through him — the essence of PastorCare.

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