Adventures in Prayer - #1
Jesus was asked by His disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray.” (Luke 11:1-2a & Matthew 6:5-8) These verses tell us that prayer does not come...

Being Fearful or Faithful
I saw a video of a glass walk-way built around the side of a mountain. The glass was constructed in such a way that when a person put...

We are fragile people. Yet, we have hope!
Christians are people of hope. Joseph Garlington declared this on the WOW Worship album in 1999. My life is in You, Lord My strength is...

Going Back To Church – Are we ready?
This past Monday evening in his virtual Town Meeting held at the Lincoln Memorial, President Trump said, “We have to get our people back...

Let’s Go Back to Fishing!
Lately, pastors tell me, “I’m tired!” “I am working harder now than I ever did before.” “I’ll be glad when we can get church back to...

Valuing Christian Community
My neighbors have always been able to talk with one another. We met together in our Neighborhood Watch Program for about 2 years. Early...

Seeing and Believing!
John 20:24-29 Do you have to see something to believe it? If you see a person walking across the street, do you believe it is happening?...

Things are Changing!
On this Maundy Thursday, Luke 22:39-46 sheds light on how to cope with things as they change in drastic ways these days. 39 – Jesus’...

Be Encouraged, Pastor!
Corona Virus Response Message To Pastors During This Time of Isolation Be Encouraged, Pastor! As you live in this ever-changing new...

7 Signs You’re Missing Your Calling
I thought this article by Joseph Mattera with Mattera Ministries International was a good one, and we wanted to share it with you. – Jim...