Getaways – Part 5 of 6
In Genesis 32:22-32 we read of how Jacob was alone with God and a spiritual wrestling match began for the purpose of molding and shaping...

Getaways – Part 3 of 6
We minister to pastors, those who preach the word and shepherd the flock that has been entrusted to their care.

Getaways – Part 2 of 6
Getaways – What Fuels our Passion for Making Connections – Part 2 of 6 by David Revelle, Shepherd’s Fortress Ministries, Associate...

5 "Beyonds" for Every Woman Leader
The Power to Go! There are 5 "Beyonds" every woman must travel to step into her authority as a leader The Power to Go! It started when I...

Approval Rating
There is a great challenge for those in ministry in 2nd Corinthians 10: 12-13. As you are reading this, I have a question for...

Cut Yourself Some Slack
The Church has a mission to fulfill here on earth! We, as Christians, play an important part in fulfilling this mission. In John 20:21,...

Honoring God’s Ministering Servants
Before PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH passes, may we suggest to you an article by our Mid-South Director, Jim Bevis, President of CSR...

Gratitude for Faithful Pastors
OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH. May we suggest doing something special for those who serve you and your church? However, may we...

The Wash is on the Line
All of us need and encouraging word. Let me give you four to enjoy now. God loves you! God is with you! God knows what you are going...

Abraham’s Blessings are for me also
The blessings of God were originally given to Abraham, and now today to us as believers. I had an elder in the church I attended who...