Learning the Hard Way!
The Ark had been out of circulation for 40 years. It was last in Israel when it was taken into battle by Eli’s sons against the...
Calling All Clergy
Calling all Clergy to a place of refuge and encouragement. You certainly do not need permission to this place, but often a gentle...
Your Intention Matters
In Luke 10, we see Jesus telling the parable of the Good Samaritan to a local man of the law. I have both loved and preached on this...
Help is here!
Emotional fatigue among pastors is on the rise within the Body of Christ. Pastors see a lot of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual...
Encouraging Your Pastor
Do something special for those who serve your church. Year-round, become one who “comes along side” of God’s ministering servants.
Celebrity or Servant?
In Matthew 20:20-28 Jesus contrasts the way His Church is to operate with that of the way the culture is set up to function. Prior to...
Leaders! Lead – with diligence!
“…he who leads, with diligence…” Romans 12:8 Every definition of “diligence” has to do with a person being steady, persistent toward a...
God’s Presence Is With Us
I am one of God’s “King’s Kids”! As such God’s presence is always with me. God told me that He would never leave me nor forsake me....
God’s “Sweet Spot”
Events occur that challenge our call from God to be a pastor/leader/shepherd to His people in His Church. Pastors quit the ministry...
Lamenting Worship
Recently as I was teaching an Old Testament Survey class I was reminded that more than 1/3 of the Psalms were classified as lament....