Advisory Committee

Anne Moore - shown in photo with PastorCare Founder Dr. Bert Moore
Anne's eyes were opened to the needs and struggles of pastors and their wives and families when she married Bert Moore, then director of PastorCare. Over the years of their marriage, she saw God’s hand at work transforming and renewing people in ministry and using them for the greater good of the Kingdom. Anne served on the PastorCare Board after Bert died for the next seven years. She also served seven years on the Fairhaven Ministries Board, a retreat center in Roan Mountain, TN, for people in ministry. Anne previously taught school at both high school and preschool levels, as well as directed a pregnancy resource center. For the past 8 years, she has worked at the counseling center of a local church as a discipleship counselor, helping people see God’s purposes and direction in and through their life struggles. Through all her own life struggles of losing two husbands, her faith remains rock solid, her love for the Lord never stronger, and her trust in His soveriegnty sure. Anne just recently married a former pastor and discipleship counselor, David Steele. Anne has two children, and six fantastic grandsons.
Phone: (704) 877-9562

Denny Howard
Denny Howard, L.C.S.W.,L.M.H.T, and L.M.F.T., is founding director of the Family Care Center and of Vitality Care Institute, and has over 30 years of experience in vocational counseling and addictions caregiving to thousands, including countless pastors and executives. An ordained minister and member of NAAP, NBCC, and AACC, Denny also hosts “Life Strategies,” a daily radio commentary, and speaks and conducts workshops/seminars on a wide range of topics around the globe. He is founder of the internationally utilized “Ministry Styles” and “Executive Styles” testing instruments.
Phone: (260) 493-0055